Ph: +966 0138127447
Specialized Kingdom International Laboratories (SKILs) offers our clients services provided only to the highest standards and specifications. These include, but are not limited to:
  Third-Party Laboratory Services  
  Petroleum Services  

Testing of Cement

  Civil Engineering Testing Services  
The SKILs analytical laboratory serves primarily to provide safety testing and certification services, based on product safety test standards, to manufacturers.

We ensure quality analyses of samples from oil and gas related operations as well as environmental monitoring projects. This is achieved by employing sophisticated equipment, all of which can be found in one central lab located in the SKILs facility in the Second Industrial Area in Dammam.

With expert knowledge of regulations, SKILs offers testing of a variety of products. Having highly qualified professionals and industry experience, we offer testing products in the most advanced laboratories which have state-of-the-art test equipment that can measure and test products to make sure they fulfill every requirement for the markets our clients’ are looking to get into. We use first rate instrumentation to provide a full range of quality, product safety, materials and testing services. Tests can be performed on a product, product lines, and services either in our laboratories, in the field, or in our clients’ own manufacturing facilities.

We deliver independent, responsive and cost-effective testing services that help shorten our customers’ time-to-market, reduce risk and enhance product value in the market place.

As local and international regulations are constantly modified, we can help our prospective clients achieve regulatory and legal compliance, determine where corrective actions should be taken, and help them during the supply chain. We are here for all our customers’ testing needs. SKILs can make sure that their products comply with every standard or specification they are looking for.
  • Product Safety Testing and Certification
    SKILsis accredited for certifying, listing, and labeling products for product safety. Our company has been awarded numerous assignments to certify products for compliance to safety standards.

    Needless to say, we are sensitive to our clients’ need to minimize time to market. Our compliance engineers are customer oriented and will keep an open line of communication with you to prevent unnecessary delays.

    Our service to our product safety customers includes:

    • 24-hour start for critical projects
    • Two follow-up inspections per year
    • No hidden costs
    • Complimentary compliance assistance
  • Environmental Simulation Testing
    SKILs evaluates products and systems to extreme environmental conditions in our Environmental Simulation Laboratory. Testing is automated through computer-controlled systems to maximize accuracy and repeatability.

    Our Environmental Simulation Labemploys numerous environmental chambers. Itcan perform temperature, humidity and vibration testing simultaneously. Testing is performed in accordance with military and commercial standards, among others. SKILs can also develop or test to customerspecified standards.
  • Performance Testing
    SKILs can independently evaluate the performance of commercial equipment and consumer products. We provide the full range of performance testing, including functionality, energy efficiency, durability, reliability, and more. These evaluations compare the product's performance to industry, manufacturer or custom standards.
  • Comparative Testing
    Our laboratories can compare the performance of your product to previous models or to competitor products. SKILs’ independent comparative reports lend credible support to your marketing efforts.
  • Failure Evaluation
    We can evaluate a product that has failed in order to determine the cause of failure, analyze the results, and recommend a corrective course of action. Our independent investigations are performed under tightly-controlled conditions. Test results can be used as expert witness support in litigation.
  • Compliance Assistance
    At SKILs, we believe in helping customers bring their products into compliance prior to entering the test lab. We provide assistance with standards choice and interpretation. Our laboratories maintain the most current information on standards and regulations affecting numerous products.
  • On-Site Field Testing and Evaluation
    SKILs field inspectors are in contact with you within 24 hours of your call. The field evaluation is performed on products/equipment to assess the hazards in accordance with the Saudi Arabian standards for the specific category of products/equipment.

    Our inspectors and technicians will explain what modifications are needed – if any – to bring the products/equipment into compliance with the inspection requirements. Once the equipment is determined to be compliant with the requirements, the final report will be issued quickly.

    A copy of the inspection report is provided for the necessary approval in accordance with governmental requirement. A serialized SKILs label is affixed to the equipment after it is determined the product complies with the standard.

    SKILsisalso available to present an on-site Product/Equipment Safety Seminar. This seminar provides assistance and guidelines with updates on governmental requirements and regulations as they relate to mandatory equipment certification. SKILs’ Product/Equipment Safety Seminar will assist inspection authorities with these and other issues related to uncertified equipment they encounter in the field.
  • Environmental Analysis
    Specialized Kingdom International Laboratories maintains a state-of-the-art analytical laboratory that ensures quality analyses of samples to provide its clients with comprehensive environmental analysis of air, soil, sludge, water, wastewater, hazardous waste, mixed waste and other substances using:
    • Physical and Chemical Field and Laboratory Analysis
    • Organic Analysis (volatiles and semi volatiles)
    • Inorganic Analysis (metals and conventional chemistry)
    • Bacteriological and Parasitological Analysis
    • Hydrocarbon Analysis
    • Hazardous Waste Characterization
    • Soil Testing and Investigations
    • Soil Remediation Guidance
    • Excavated Soil Monitoring
    • Groundwater Monitoring, etc.
    At the conclusion of each phase of the test program, SKILs will prepare a report that includes descriptions of the test procedures, presentation of results and operating data, and analyses of the results.

    Again, all information shared with us by our clients for testing services are treated strictly with the most confidential ideals in mind. SKILs is aware that this is our clients’ business and their livelihood, thus we treat their information with care. All data are shredded and properly disposed of ensuring that our customers’ information is safe and confidential at all times.
Specialized Kingdom International Laboratories (SKILs) provide quality services, promoting and maintaining a high standard in terms of quality and safety. Our laboratory engineers and technicians are trained to respond with competence and experience to your requests for inspection on the following products:
  • Crude oil
  • Residual oils, asphalt, bunker fuels
  • Refined products including gasoline, diesel fuels, aviation fuels
  • Petro chemicals, base stocks, aromatics, solvents, lube oils and additives
  • Liquefied petroleum gases and liquefied natural gases
  • Organic liquids, acids, alkalines
Our competence also covers the entire chain of oil exploration, refining, storage. Furthermore, we operate on the following:
  • Supervision of marine loading, on-board transfer and discharge
  • Quality and quantity control
  • R.O.B., bunker surveys
  • Pipeline transfers
  • Shore line pressure recording
  • Cleanliness inspection of transportation and storage facilities
  • Laboratory analysis
  • Calibration of liquid storage tanks


  • Waste Water Treatment
  • Wastewater is the sewage released by residences, businesses and industries in a community. The cloudiness of sewage is caused by suspended particles.

    Sewage treatment is a multi-stage process to renovate wastewater before it reenters a body of water, is applied to the land or is reused. The goal is to reduce or remove organic matter, solids, nutrients, disease-causing organisms and other pollutants from wastewater.

    Our wastewater treatment services include, but are not limited to:

    • Domestic Wastewater
    • Industrial Effluent Recycling
    • Sewerage Infrastructure (pictured)
    • Physical Treatment
    • Bioaugmentation
    • Chemical Formulations
    • Sludge Handlin
  • Water Supply Purification
    Removing undesirable chemicals, materials, and biological contaminants from contaminated water is the process we call water purification. The goal is to produce water acceptable for a particular purpose, most of the time for human consumption (drinking water). Water purification is also done for a range of other purposes, including meeting the requirements of medical, pharmacological, chemical and industrial applications.

    Generally, the methods used include physical processes such as filtration and sedimentation, biological processes such as slow sand filters or activated sludge, chemical processes such as flocculation and chlorination, and the use of electromagnetic radiation such as ultraviolet light.

    Water purification reduces the concentration of particulate matter including bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi, parasites, suspended particles, and a range of dissolved and particulate material.

    • Water Analysis and Instruments
    • Water Resources Management
    • Water Distribution
    • Water Filtration (pictured)
    • Water Conditioning
    • Membrane Processes
    • Desalination and Demineralization
    • General/Miscellaneous Water Purification Services
The heart of concrete lies in the cement. Several tests should be performed to determine the characteristics of cement and its compatibility with other materials in the concrete mix design. Compressive strength testing of mortar cubes at 3-days, 7-days and 28-days of aging are used to observe the development of the strength gain of the mortar over time. A chemical analysis of the cement will provide a reasonable estimate of the composition of the cement. These are just a few of the tests that can be used to determine the quality of the cement. Our laboratory does research, quality control, and cement–admixture compatibility testing.

  • Testing of Cement
    There are many ways and methods for the testing of cement. Some of them need a proper laboratory setup while other can be conducted at field itself.

  • Tests in Field
    Field tests are convenient way of primary inspection of cement when it is used in small scale works or when decision has to be made during purchase process.

  • Tests in Laboratory
    Field tests only indicate that cement is not bad and can be used for small scale works. Thus Laboratory tests are necessary to confirm that cement is good in nature and can even be used for important works too. Following tests are necessary to be conducted on cement in laboratory-

    • Fineness Test- The fineness of cement can be defined as the measure of size of particles of cement or in simple form “Specific Surface of Cement”. This test is usually carried out using IS sieve no.9 or 90 microns.
    • Setting Time Test- Cement when mixed with water triggers a process which results in a hardened mass of mixture where in hardness gradually increases with time. There are two setting times for cement- Initial Setting Time (IST) or Final Setting Time (FST). It is tested using Vicat’s Apparatus. Eg. For Portland Cement IST is around 30 mins and FST is around 600 mins.
    • Strength Test- The strength of cement is defined in MPa or N/mm2. For grade 33 Portland cement, strength should be around 33MPa in 28 days. Compression test is carried out to check the strength of cement.
    • Soundness Test- Soundness of cement can be defined as a process in which cement does not show any considerable change in volume after setting. Autoclave tests and Le Chateleir tests care carried out to check the soundness of cement.
    • Heat of Hydration Test- The heat of hydration can be defined as heat from cement paste liberated as a reaction of water with cement. This test is usually carried out in thermos flask.
    • Chemical Composition Test- A test is carried out on cement that tests the ratio of chemicals in the cement. Different standards and codes specify different value of such ratios

This list consists of tests that we perform on a regular basis. If a test is desired that is not listed below we would gladly perform those test for you.
  • Specification for Natural Cement

  • Specification for Masonry Cement

  • Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (2x2 Cubes)

  • Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement

  • Specification for Portland Cement

  • Autoclave Expansion of Portland Cement

  • Air Content of Hydraulic Cement Mortar

  • Normal Consistency of Hydraulic Cement

  • Density of Hydraulic Cement

  • Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle

  • Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by Air-Permeability Apparatus

  • Potential Alkali Reactivity of Cement-Aggregate Combinations

  • Air-Entraining Additions for Use in the Manufacture of Air-Entraining Hydraulic Cement

  • Time of Setting of Hydraulic-Cement Paste by Gillmore Needles

  • Flow Table for Use in Tests of Hydraulic Cement

  • Flexural Strength of Hydraulic-Cement Mortars

  • Compressive Strength of Hydraulic-Cement Mortars (Portions of Prisms Broken in Flexural)

  • Early Stiffening of Hydraulic Cement

  • Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by the 45-µm (No. 325) Sieve

  • Early Stiffening of Hydraulic Cement (Paste Method)

  • Potential Expansion of Portland-Cement Mortars Exposed to Sulfate

  • Specifications for Blended Hydraulic Cements

  • Drying Shrinkage of Mortar containing Hydraulic Cement

  • Optimum SO3 in Hydraulic Cement Using 24-hr Compressive Strength

  • Fineness of Hydraulic Cement and Raw Materials by the No. 50, No. 100, and No. 200 Sieves by Wet Methods

  • Restrained Expansion of Expansive Cement Mortar

  • Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement Mortar by Modified Vicat Needle

  • Specifications For Expansive Hydraulic Cement

  • Length Change of Hydraulic-Cement Mortars Exposed to A Sulfate Solution

  • Expansion of Hydraulic Cement Mortar Bars Stored in Water

  • Specifications for Hydraulic Cements

  • Specification for Plastic (Stucco) Cement

  • Specification for Mortar Cement

  • Flow of Hydraulic Cement Mortar

  • Water Retention of Hydraulic Cement-Based Mortars and Plasters

  • Tensile Strength of Concrete Surfaces and the Bond Strength or Tensile Strength of Concrete Repair and Overlays Materials by Direct Tension
We are capable of performing the following tests:
  • Aggregates & Soils

    • Particle Size Distribution
    • Wet Sieving
    • Dry Sieving
    • California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
    • Remoulded Specimens
    • Maximum Dry Density/Optimum
    • Water Content Relationship
    • NZ Heavy Compaction
    • NZ Standard Compaction
    • NZ Vibrating Hammer
    • Sand Equivalent
    • Broken Face Content
    • Size & Shape of Sealing Chip
    • Moisture Content
    • Cleanness Value
    • Crushing Resistance
    • Weathering Resistance
    • Determination of the Clay Index
    • Determination of the Plasticity Index
    • Linear Shrinkage
    • Solid Density
    • Sieve Analysis Sealing Chip
    • Unconfined Compression Tests
    • Adobe Block Testing
  • Field Testing

    • Scala Penetrometer
    • Benkelman Beam
    • In Situ California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
    • Test Pit Investigations
    • Permeability Tests
    • Sampling
  • Compliance Investigation
    The compliance investigation typically begins with a constructional review of a client’s product against the applicable product safety standards. The constructional review is generally nondestructive. Typical issues covered include, but are not limited to: warnings/markings, isolation of hazardous parts/materials, suitability of components and materials, and flammability ratings of materials. Following a complete review of the standard, the product is moved into the testing phase. If the constructional review and testing are found to be fully compliant, a letter of authorization to apply the SKILs Certification Mark to the product is provided. For international markets, a letter stating that the evaluated product was found to be compliant is provided. Certification reports follow shortly thereafter. If there are unresolved non-compliances, a findings report is issued.
  • Findings Report
    The Findings Report summarizes all evaluation and testing that has been conducted on a product/equipment. Any questions, requests for information or non-compliances are provided to the client in a clear and concise format with a summary of the clause requirement, the conditions noted, and the required response to resolve the issue.
  • Final Report
    The final certification reports are continually being worked on throughout the certification process. Depending on the markets that a client is pursuing, they will receive one or more certification reports at the conclusion of the project.
The Specialized Kingdom International Laboratories’ (SKILs) central lab is located in the Dammam Second Industrial Area inside the company’s 20000 m2 complex, furnished with advanced equipment and facilities.
Being in a competitive market such as the industrial and the oil and gas sectors, having an edge on technological development is a huge factor to standing out. To keep up with this fierce competition, research is an important activity for SKILs.

Specialized Kingdom International Laboratories’ (SKILs), together with its sister companies, has invested in an in-house research and development (R&D) center furnished with state-of-the-art technology, located in the Dammam Second Industrial Area inside the company’s 20000 m2 complex, with advanced equipment and facilities effective for research.

Our partners also provide SKILs with the formulation and process information required to blend finished products in Saudi Arabia, as well as assist SKILs with the development of new products and product systems appropriate for the oil and gas industry.
The companies and government agencies we have been honored to work with are producers, refiners, suppliers, pipeline operators and marine transporters, as well as service and supply companies that support all segments of the industry.

Although our focus is primarily domestic, our work has expanded to include a growing international dimension, and today SKILs is recognized within the Kingdom, and slowly but surely, in the Gulf Region, for its broad range of services.